Jason Bourne Matt Damon Only Has About 25 Lines

Jason Bourne: Matt Damon Only Has About 25 Lines

According to a new interview with Jason Bourne star Matt Damon, this time around the action hero will have fewer lines than ever before.

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Jason Bourne Matt Damon Only Has About 25 Lines

The upcoming arrival of the fifth installment in Universal’s Bourne franchise is set to hit theaters in a little over a week. With the arrival of Jason Bourne comes Matt Damon’s return as the eponymous rogue assassin – Damon’s fourth turn as the character since missing out on 2012’s The Bourne Legacy and a return to the successful series that he helped build.

There’s been a steady amount of imagery and video as of late, highlighting much of the intense action audiences can expect from the film, and judging from these short but intense samples, Jason Bourne will be just as full throttle as its predecessors. As a matter of fact, new information has arrived revealing that the film might potentially boast more action than ever before.

In a new interview with The Guardian, Matt Damon and Jason Bourne director Paul Greengrass discuss much about the upcoming sequel, including the general lack of dialog uttered by Bourne this time around. According to the interview, Damon actually speaks less in Jason Bourne than he has in any of the previous films — a fact the actor seemed to relish from the moment he was notified Bourne would only have “about 25 lines” in the entire film. For Damon, the prospect of limited speech was appealing:

“Well, I’ve done it three times. In the first movie, the Marie Kreutz character is still alive, so Bourne has a sounding board and he’s more confused about who he is and a lot more chatty. Once she dies in the first act of the second movie, it’s really a very lonely character. And we talked about that mostly on the second one. I remember Tony writing me an email saying, ‘You do realise what this means? You do realise you’re not going to talk in this movie.’ I said, ‘No, I love that.’”

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Of course, a lack of dialogue on Bourne’s part doesn’t necessarily mean that the film’s silences will be packed to the brim with bone-breaking action, but within The Guardian interview Damon also elaborates on the first scene he and Greengrass shot for Jason Bourne – a brutal fistfight that the actor came away from assured it would justify the film’s existence. Said Damon:

“We shot that scene, that first fight, on the first day and it was like, we’re doing this. It won’t be said that we came to pick up a pay cheque. We’re going to give it absolutely everything we have.”

Damon’s declaration that he and Greengrass would give everything they have to Jason Bourne speaks to a gritty level of sincerity that has come to mark the Bourne franchise as something of a game changer in the action/thriller genre. That impact was noted in how the style of the Bond films has changed in the years since the Bourne franchise became a hit.

With a somewhat taciturn Bourne this time around, Jason Bourne will, at the very least, continue on with the brooding, detached nature of its protagonist – a trait that infiltrates every aspect of the franchise, creating a much more sober and tense tone. If Jason Bourne isn’t spending more time fighting for survival this time around, at the very least he’s certainly worth viewers’ attention.

Jason Bourne opens in U.S. theaters on July 29.

Source: The Guardian

Mike Jones is an author, screenwriter, world traveller and cinephile. His work has been featured in print and online in a variety of publications, and he’s also a Berlinale Talents alumnus. Cinema has always moved him in a big way and aside from having seen The Talented Mr Ripley more times than any other living person, he maintains a pretty darn healthy physical media collection. His favourite filmmakers include: Jordan Peele, David Lean, Alfred Hitchcock, Mike Leigh, Steven Spielberg, the Dardenne Brothers, Noah Baumbach, Michael Haneke, Barry Jenkins and Andrea Arnold. Often jet-lagged, Mike once turned down a certain A-list celebrity’s offer to join them for a night of partying after a strange encounter in an airport.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/jason-bourne-matt-damon-lines-dialogue/

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