Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy How to Defeat the DwellerInDarkness (Boss Guide)

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: How to Defeat the Dweller-In-Darkness (Boss Guide)


Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy has a difficult boss, Dweller-In-Darkness, at the end of Chapter 4. There are three stages to defeating this boss.

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Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy How to Defeat the DwellerInDarkness (Boss Guide)

At the end of Chapter 4 in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, players will be faced with a powerful boss, the Dweller-In-Darkness. There are three stages in this boss fight that players need to survive and battle through to win. Each stage will increase the difficulty of the fight in unique ways which include new attacks and adding additional enemies.

Players can customize their characters in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, including their outfits and abilities. To reach the Dweller-In-Darkness, players will need to get through the first four chapters of the game. Along the way, players will be able to purchase new abilities, like the Gravistick Grenade for Rocket, or Shadow Strike for Gamora. These skills require players to spend ability points on each character, and the cost of the ability will vary.

To defeat the Dweller-In-Darkness, who is a minion of Marvel’s GotG’s Lady Hellbender, players will need to dodge its tentacle attacks while frequently dealing damage. Throughout the fight, there will be opportunities to use skills and combinations of each character’s abilities to maximize damage and defeat the boss. There are three stages to the fight where players will need to cut off the Dweller-In-Darkness’ four tentacles before finally attacking its head and killing it.

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Defeating Dweller-In-Darkness in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

Throughout the Dweller-In-Darkness fight, Marvel’s GotG’s playable character, Star-Lord, will command his allies to attack the beast’s tentacles in order to eliminate them. In the first stage, players should dodge the tentacle swipes and slams while shooting them to deal damage. The tentacles will be stunned and fall to the ground for a short time when enough damage is dealt. Once the life bar for a tentacle is depleted, there will be a prompt for Gamora to cut off the limb. Health will be regenerated if the prompt is missed, but once both tentacles are cut off, then the next stage of the fight will trigger.

Similar to stage one, players will have two tentacles to cut off in stage two. However, there will also be enemies that continuously spawn, and the monster’s limbs will retreat to the back of the arena when their health goes down. The trigger for cutting them will be the same, but players will need to look out for the button prompt as it will appear over a damaged tentacle in the back of the boss area. Once Gamora cuts off the remaining tentacles, the last part of the fight will commence.

In stage 3, more enemies will spawn, and the Dweller-In-Darkness will shoot explosives at the player. These explosives need to be quickly interacted with before they go off. Doing so will make Drax pick up and throw the bomb back at the boss. Again, a prompt will appear when enough damage is dealt, and Gamora will deliver the final blow. Defeating this difficult boss is required to progress the story in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

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