National Champions 8 Best Characters Ranked By Likability

National Champions: 8 Best Characters, Ranked By Likability


From greedy officials like Mike Titus to inspiring leaders like LeMarcus James, National Champions is filled with complicated and likable characters.

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National Champions 8 Best Characters Ranked By Likability

As the new sports drama National Champions examines the complex subject of amateurism in collegiate sports, it represents the various interests and perspectives while mostly avoiding black and white depictions of the people involved in the situation. Because of this, most of the characters on all sides of the argument possess likable and unlikable characteristics.

From the seemingly cold-hearted outside consultant who actually has deeply personal ties to the issues in Katherine and coaches who are caught in the crossfire between the players and institution, to players like LeMarcus and Emmett who are willing to risk their futures in order to fight for change, nearly every character gives the audience a reason to root for them despite also carrying baggage.

8 Mike Titus

National Champions 8 Best Characters Ranked By Likability

As an NCAA official, Mike Titus is the embodiment of the corrupt system that LeMarcus is fighting against. He is willing to make the illusion of progress but refuses to engage in meaningful conversations about actually changing the system.

He is a cold and distant character who cares far more about public perception and money than he does about protecting the players. He is an arrogant bully who attempts to intimidate a college student by giving a self-important speech about the inevitability of the system.

7 Bailey Lazor

National Champions 8 Best Characters Ranked By Likability

As Coach Lazor’s wife, Bailey Lazor often feels neglected and overlooked by her husband because he is typically consumed with football, as seen in her introduction when she has to drag him away from watching game film to attend a boosters dinner. It is later revealed that because she feels unappreciated, she cheats on Coach Lazor and eventually leaves him.

For much of the movie, she comes off as sympathetic and understandable. However, this changes when expresses her belief that LeMarcus and the other players are all spoiled, prompting Elliot to call her out and point out how she is part of the problem, damaging her likability.

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6 Katherine

National Champions 8 Best Characters Ranked By Likability

National Champions is a sports movie for people who do not like sports movies, as it focuses more on off-field politics than on-the-field action, and few characters capture this drama like Katherine does. For much of the movie, Katherine appears to be the villain who is willing to do whatever it takes to win, including leaking LeMarcus’ MRI and threatening to get him arrested for his involvement in a violent fight and cover-up years ago.

However, when Emmett calls her heartless she reveals that she is fighting for all the other underprivileged college athletes who do not play money-making sports and would have their programs and scholarships cut. She is a complex character with understandable motives but morally questionable methods.

5 Coach James Lazor

National Champions 8 Best Characters Ranked By Likability

Coach Lazor is one of the most complex and nuanced characters in the film, brought to life by a compelling portrayal from J.K. Simmons. He undoubtedly profits off the organization, gets talked into using LeMarcus’ MRI to discredit him, neglects his wife, makes controversial comments about the system by invoking slavery, and ultimately chooses football over everyone and everything else.

However, in important meetings with NCAA and conference officials, Coach Lazor has LeMarcus’ back and refuses to throw him under the bus. He also initially refuses to comment on the MRI before the information gets leaked. He is a gruff and stern coach who is clearly upset that all of this is happening during his chance at finally capturing a championship.

4 Coach Dunn

National Champions 8 Best Characters Ranked By Likability

Defensive Coordinator Coach Dunn is a loyal company man who always says and does the right thing to support his coach and program. He is an assistant to one of the best coaches in the country and does his best to help in whatever way he can. However, when he is offered the opportunity to step in for Coach Lazor and become the first Black coach in the title game, he refuses the offer and stands with LeMarcus instead.

Coach Dunn proves himself to be a man of confidence and integrity, willing to stand on his own accomplishments and ability instead of selling out his players to get ahead. While he only has a minor role in the film, he establishes his likability through his strength of character.

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3 Elliot

National Champions 8 Best Characters Ranked By Likability

Initially introduced to the audience as the man with whom Bailey is having an affair, Elliot reveals himself to actually be one of LeMarcus’ most important supporters. As a professor of organized labor, he helps LeMarcus put together and execute his plan to fight for the right to unionize.

As much as Elliot cares about Bailey, he is willing to stand up to her when she calls LeMarcus spoiled. He is a smart and charming character who is willing to stand up for what he believes in and put what he teaches into practice.

2 LeMarcus James

National Champions 8 Best Characters Ranked By Likability

As the most famous college football player in the country (and one of the best fictional football players ever), LeMarcus James is a fan favorite and the hope of an entire university. He is a well-educated and eloquent young man who is capable of inspiring others. LeMarcus is aware of his football mortality and is willing to give up his shot at the title in order to create lasting change.

LeMarcus is far from perfect and the NCAA is able to tarnish his reputation by leaking information about his past behavior. But he is smart and driven with plenty of charisma and natural leadership ability.

1 Emmett Sunday

As a talented but beat-up Tight End, Emmett Sunday knows that he will never play in the NFL, but he is willing to give up his final game ever in order to stand with his friend LeMarcus. His family does not have a lot of money and his football career has left him injured and with no health insurance, helping make the fight to unionize more personal.

Emmett is not quite as educated or well-spoken as LeMarcus, but his loyalty and work ethic help make their plan possible. He is a straightforward and endearing character who proves himself to be a great friend and teammate.

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