The Big Bang Theory 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly

The Big Bang Theory: 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly


Amy was one of the funniest characters on The Big Bang Theory, but some of her actions and personality traits don’t seem as funny now.

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The Big Bang Theory 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly

Years after The Big Bang Theory came to an end, fans still rewatch the show, uncovering hidden details and reliving the fun and humor of their old favorite episodes. At the time it aired, the show was nothing more than a light-hearted sitcom, poking fun at Sheldon’s social awkwardness, Leonard’s endless pursuit of Penny, Howard’s aggressive courting, Raj’s difficulty talking to women, and Penny’s persistent financial woes.

When Bernadette and Amy joined the chaos, the show explored some of their quirks too, and while Amy’s attempts to befriend Penny were funny, as well as Bernadette sounding like Howard’s mom whenever she yelled at him, over time, some aspects of their characters didn’t sit well with audiences. With the ever-changing world, some things that may have seemed funny back then about Amy and the rest of the group aren’t as acceptable now.

9 Comparing Penny’s Intelligence To A Monkey’s

The Big Bang Theory 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly

Throughout the course of the show, Amy did several experiments involving monkeys. It was always funny when she talked about them, except for one experiment that involved comparing Penny’s intelligence to some chimps by assigning both of them similar tasks in “The Comic Book Store Regeneration.” Penny was understandably upset when she found out because she felt insulted.

The experiment was played for laughs, but it was hardly amusing to Penny. As the only one in the main group without a scientific background, she often felt insecure about her intellect compared to the others. So, Amy’s secret experiment was a really low blow and in poor taste, especially since they were best friends.

8 Imitating Bernadette

The Big Bang Theory 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly

When Howard dressed up as Sheldon (which was Bernadette’s idea) for Halloween in “The Imitation Perturbation,” Sheldon retaliated by doing the same and Amy joined in with an impression of Bernadette. Her dedication to the task was admirable and funny on the surface as she wore a dress and cardigan一which The Big Bang Theory fans know to be Bernadette’s signature outfit. However, the joke got a little less funny when Amy imitated Bernadette’s squeaky voice and talked about her “teeny tiny legs.”

In a world that’s strongly advocating for body positivity and self-love, Amy’s teasing remarks about Bernadette’s body don’t go down so well. Bernadette even pointed this out later to Sheldon when she told him how she was often teased at school about her size and how no one really took her seriously because of her voice. It was actually one of several times where Amy disregarded Bernadette’s feelings on something.

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7 Desperately Clinging To Penny

The Big Bang Theory 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly

When Amy first joined the show, she was basically a female version of Sheldon; cold, robotic, and mostly spending time with Sheldon. With time, she started spending more time with Penny and her character changed too. Most of her antics in her efforts to become closer to Penny were played off as funny, like the time she invited Penny to a science conference in “The Love Car Displacement.”

But, sometimes her desperation for friendship crossed a lot of personal boundaries, even though the show attempted to pass them off as humorous. For example, when she was licking stuff in Sheldon’s office and rubbing it on her armpits then told Penny she’d done the same to the stuff in her apartment before they became best friends. And when she gave Penny the infamous painting of the two of them, which apparently had initially been painted with them nude. Even Painting Penny looks uncomfortable next to Penny.

6 Resorting To Violence During An Argument

The Big Bang Theory 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly

Sheldon and Howard often fought about many things throughout the show, and in “The Parking Spot Escalation,” they were fighting over a parking space. Their respective partners got involved as well with a fight of their own that resulted in Bernadette having Amy’s car towed and Amy hitting Penny in the face with her purse when she meant to hit Bernadette.

Their fight was childish and comical, and even Amy’s purse smack initially seemed funny, especially when she started explaining that her bag had a coffee can full of change, which turned it into the destructive weapon that broke Penny’s nose. However, digging deeper into the scene, Amy’s retaliation to Bernadette’s taunts with a physical attack was just wrong and most modern audiences wouldn’t accept it, regardless of the context.

5 Pretending To Be Sick For Attention

The Big Bang Theory 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly

In “The Fish Guts Displacement,” Sheldon was forced to take care of Amy when she was feeling sick, due to a clause in their relationship agreement. After a while, Amy got better but kept pretending to be sick because she was enjoying Sheldon’s attention and pampering.

Her ruse, at first glance, seemed like a harmless ploy by a girlfriend enjoying her boyfriend’s attention, but upon rewatching it seems more like emotional manipulation as Amy took advantage of their relationship to get him to do what she wanted, which he normally wouldn’t have done due to his issues with intimacy. Even Bernadette called her out on it when she confessed. It was actually rather sad she had to resort to that and was one of the saddest things about Amy on TBBT .

4 Comparing Penny and Bernadette’s Looks

The Big Bang Theory 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly

On more than one occasion, Amy spoke about Penny’s and Bernadette’s physical appearance, favoring the former’s looks over the latter. Her remarks were usually compliments about how much more beautiful Penny was, like the time Bernadette tried on her wedding dress and Amy said she looked beautiful but not “Penny-beautiful.”

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Most of the time, her bluntness seemed harmless and the others often dismissed it. However, it also highlighted and enforced Amy’s obsession with Penny and her looks, which often led to remarks that could easily slip from funny into uncomfortable territory. For example, her comment on the dress Penny tried on in the same episode when she said, “what are you, a nun? come on besty, let’s see some skin.”

3 Pitting Bernadette & Penny Against Each Other

The Big Bang Theory 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly

After Bernadette helped Penny get a job at her company, the two had some conflict over Penny not studying the prep material for her training. As a result of their fight, both Penny and Bernadette reached out to Amy and gossiped about each other, which Amy enjoyed.

Rather than help the two friends reconcile, Amy fanned the flames and gossiped about each lady to the other behind their back. She even went as far as to remind each of them of their initial conflict when the ladies started talking of reconciling, just so she could keep their individual attentions on her and feel like a popular girl.

2 Getting Bernadette’s Article Canceled

The Big Bang Theory 9 Things About Amy That Have Aged Poorly

In “The Misinterpretation Agitation,” Bernadette shared the exciting news with Penny and Amy that she’d been chosen to feature in a magazine as one of the sexiest scientists. Amy thought the article was in bad taste and she went behind Bernadette’s back and had the article pulled.

Bernadette saw nothing wrong with being considered both smart and pretty, but Amy felt scientists should be celebrated for their achievements, not their looks. Both ladies made valid points, but Amy going behind Bernadette’s back to get it canceled was terrible. She took away her friend’s choice and a chance for recognition because of her personal feelings. Her makeover for the Nobel Prize ceremony also contradicted this view of having people focus on the career achievement on TBBT and not the look, which makes her seem rather hypocritical.

1 Joking About Her Attractiveness

Each character had insecurities about themselves and for Amy, those usually related to her looks. The show had several characters make reference to this, from Raj blatantly admitting he was attracted to the other ladies at one time but not at all to Amy, to Bernadette saying she was jealous about the sexiest scientist article because no one wanted her to show off her sexuality.

Jokes about Amy’s looks and what she called a “frumpy” fashion style were a running gag on the show and mostly made light of, even though Amy often got offended and it hurt her self-esteem. One example was when she chose a wedding dress that Bernadette and Penny thought was ugly and she started second-guessing it.

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