Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

Two & A Half Men: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta


Berta is the irreplaceable housemaid and sass queen in Two and a Half Men, but some things about her don’t add up

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Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

Two And A Half Men certainly revolves around Charlie and Alan, but the show would be nothing without great supporting characters like Jake, Berta, Rose and Evelyn. All of them breathed new life into the show with their own antics, and one of who deserves a lot more credit than she gets is Berta.

Berta is a very crucial character in the show as she does not only add sassy one liners, but she also plays a very important role in building up the sitcom’s most hilarious bits and jokes. Still, there are things about this particular housekeeper that just don’t add up – even in a show as nuts as this one. Without further delay, here 10 things about Berta’s that do not make much sense on Two and a Half Men.

10 How Does Berta Keep Getting Rehired?

Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

Berta is not the kind of docile humble maid many would expect. She comes up with blood curdling replies and some very funny one liners for every occasion and barely holds back her tongue. Truth be told, she does not give two hoots for the employee boss relationship rules.

In reality, close to no one would want Berta working in their home. And yet, she not only keeps her job for so long, but even get rehired after Charlie’s supposed death. How she manages to do this without fixing her attitude is simply mind-boggling.

9 Why Didn’t Berta Quit?

Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

Berta had been a housemaid at Charlie’s place for a pretty long time. She kept up with his wife, Alan’s antics and Jake’s clutter ,too.

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Sh*t really hit the fan when Charlie (or Alan) tried to seduce the ladies of her family but for some reason, she still put up with them. This seems like an odd decision from someone who is, for lack of better words, a badass who doesn’t let anyone mess with her and her family.

8 Why Does Berta (Apparently) Love Alan Like Family?

Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

After Charlie’s sudden demise, Walden buys the house. The next morning, Alan packs his bag up and meets Walden and Berta for a final goodbye. But much to Alan’s (and audiences’) surprise, Berta asks Alan for a hug, saying they were a family.

Contradictory to this, at the start of the show, Berta quit such a lucrative job just because Alan had moved in. Throughout the show, she kept calling him Zippy (as in “Chimpanzee”) and threw sarcastic remarks at him, so this sudden familial bond makes no sense.

7 Why Is Berta Close With Rose?

Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

Berta considers Rose as a friend, treating her with fondness and a rare friendly attitude.

What doesn’t add up is that Berta has been working at Charlie’s place for many years, so she knows of Rose’s restraining order and stalker-esque activities. And yet, she thinks Charlie should give Rose a chance, even thinking that Rose is perfect for him and he for her!

6 What Was With The Soup Incident?

Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

In one particular episode, Charlie fell really sick. He wanted some soup and asked everyone including his mom Evelyn and brother Alan to make some for him. No one cared. Meanwhile, Berta logged in for the day.

When Charlie asked her for some soup, she saw he was down with flu. She just threw a casual bye and walked back home. And Charlie did nothing except sulking deeper into the couch. What was up with that?

5 Why Did Berta Return To Her Part-Time Job?

Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

When Walden buys the Malibu house, Alan bids goodbye and Walden hires Berta to be a live-in maid. The best thing is that money is no issue, so Berta accepts and even hugs Alan, saying they are family.

But the moment Walden invites Alan back to stay in the house permanently, she quits the job and hops back to her previous position as a part time maid. Simply put, this is quite confusing! Does she really think Alan is family or not?

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4 Why Did Walden Hire Berta?

Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

When Charlie died, Evelyn sold his beach house to the young millionaire Walden Schmidt. The first thing Walden did was welcoming the leech Allan back to the house. The next thing was to hire Berta. Why?

Berta is not distinctly qualified to be reassigned. In fact, she does not even fit the bare minimum criteria to be hired by anyone. She is not sincere, she calls her employers degrading names, she makes children do the work when adults are absent, and much more. She does not deserve a recommendation to be rehired and yet was rehired almost immediately.

3 Did Berta Forget About Charlie?

Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

The question is not why she doesn’t miss Charlie much. What doesn’t make sense is that she pretends as if nothing happened. Why is that?

For years, Berta and Charlie shared a strange but otherwise genuine friendship, so why is she acting like it never happened? Berta carries on with her day to day routines – and even hanging out with Rose – as if they have started the show from square one.

2 Why Did Berta Start From Scratch?

Two & A Half Men 10 Things That Make No Sense About Berta

Berta seems to be building new dynamics after Charlie’s death, which isn’t bad in itself. Her interactions change with everyone which happens in real life too but the thing is, no one starts from scratch with each and every person in their life.

She even treats Zippy in a new light after Ashton Kutcher replaced Charlie Sheen. Seeing how sharp, witty and opportunistic she is, this apparent genuine reconciliation with the rest of the cast simply does not sit straight.

1 Why The Crocodile Tears For Charlie?

It has been shown several times that Berta cares for Charlie in her own way. Charlie and Berta are sort of friends and he often asks for her advice. But when Charlie died and Rose announced the news at his funeral service, Berta loudly suspected Rose’s involvement in it.

And yet, Berta doesn’t file a report or demand an investigation into the suspicious death. Now that’s shocking!

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