Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

Flash: 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)


The Flash’s rogue’s gallery is full of some heavy-hitters, but Hunter Zolomon can be seen as being on a tier of his own. Here’s some big info on him.

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Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

The Flash is one of the premiere characters in the DC Universe. As the traveler within the multiverse, he is best known for his incredible speed that is capable of going beyond the time barrier. Over the years, there have been multiple characters who have taken the mantle of the Flash. Each adding more compared to the last.

However, with every Flash, there is always their arch-nemesis who is classified as their reverse. For Wally West, that is the character of Zoom who is extremely dangerous while also being incredibly complicated. Here are some facts that every fan and newcomer should know about the character of Zoom.

10 He Is The Third Evil Flash

Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

Although he is the second Reverse-Flash, he is really the third evil Flash to appear in the series. Before he was Eobard Thawne, the most famous Reverse-Flash who made it his duty to make Barry Allen’s life a living hell. The other was Edward Clariss also known as the Rival for Jay Garrick.

The distinct difference that makes Hunter Zolomon stand apart from the other characters is that he initially didn’t rely on anything related to the Speed force. Nor did he use a special formula in order to make him artificially fast. Rather, his powers are the result of an explosion from the cosmic treadmill.

9 He Was Once An Ally To Wally West

Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

Before Hunter Zolomon became the villain that haunted Wally West’s life, he was actually one of his closest allies. Hunter Zolomon was a profiler for the police and actively helped Wally West when it came to supervillains. This became all the more tragic when he became Zoom as he wanted the Flash to go back in time and change things. Of course, this forced him to create his new motivation for Wally West and all Flash’s going forward.

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8 His Motivation Is To “Improve” The Flash

Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

Although he is very much not a good person anymore, he isn’t completely evil like certain villains either. In fact, the only reason why Hunter Zolomon does what he does is that he hopes that by giving Wally West tragedy, he will become a stronger person.

This includes making his life a living hell and giving him something that he will remember forever. Although this point will get more elaborated later in the article.

7 Initially, His Speed Had Nothing To Do With The Speed Force

Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

When Hunter Zolomon was caught in an explosion from the Cosmic Treadmill, he learned that he is able to manipulate his own personal time. As such, he moves at incredibly fast speeds through chronokinesis.

As he isn’t a speed-force conduit, he is able to bypass certain limitations that the other Flashes have like dealing with friction. However, the con behind his abilities is that he isn’t able to travel in time like the Flashes and isn’t able to vibrate through walls.

6 Currently, He Controls The Speed, Sage, Still, Strength, And Forever Force

Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

Of course, by the time of DC Rebirth, his powers have changed completely. Due to him losing his initial capabilities, he tricks both Wally West and Barry Allen to break through the force wall. As a result, not only does he have the speed force which allows him to become incredibly powerful but many more. The sage force allows him to use telepathy and telekinesis. Strength force allows him to manipulate gravity and gain super strength. The Still force he stole from steadfast which allowed him to negate energy. Finally, all of that together allows him to use the forever force, the ability to control time itself.

5 He Was An Immigrant From New Earth

Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

Crisises happen all the time with the DC universe. Sometimes it can destroy entire worlds while rewriting new ones. However, sometimes there are certain people that end up surviving the crisis and are moved directly to a new world with their memories intact. Good examples include earth 2 Superman and Superboy-Prime. Another example is Hunter Zolomon. As by the time of Rebirth, he is one of the few that is able to remember everything that has happened prior to the New 52.

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4 He Had His Own Kid Flash

Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

Although it was brief, Hunter Zolomon had a brief time working together with his own Kid Flash. As most fans know, the Flash’s sidekick is often kid flash who isn’t as fast as their mentors but is able to become something great. Freeing the villain of Inertia, the character was told by Zoom that he would become his sidekick. Becoming the evil Kid Zoom. Although, the stint was extremely brief as he was later beaten up and killed by the rogues.

3 He Killed Wally’s Kids

Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

One of the most terrifying and infamous moments that Hunter Zolomon has done was the moment that he killed Wally’s kids. By holding his pregnant wife hostage, he easily killed them by snapping his fingers. Resulting in a sonic boom that forced Wally West to hate Zoom. Although the kids eventually revived later down the road, it really goes to show the lengths that he would go through to force Wally to improve.

2 He Appeared In Television, Although He Was Much Different

Flash 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)

Hunter Zolomon’s Zoom has become so popular that he ended up appearing in the Flash tv show. Acting pretty much as the Eobard Thawne of season 2, the show accurately depicted the terrifying nature of the character. However, that’s really all there is to it.

In the TV show, Hunter Zolomon is a character that appears in Earth 2 and he is connected directly to the speed force. His motivations are far crueler and his costume is much darker, being literal black rather than the colors of a Reverse-Flash.

1 He Sacrificed His Life As A Flash

Despite all of the evil deeds that the character has done, when all things are said and done, he ended his life in a way any flash would. Through sacrifice. During the climax of Death of the speed force, he decides to fix the force barrier following what he learned regarding Eobard Thawne having something to do with Zolomon’s past.

As a result, not only did he felt regret for everything that he has done to Wally West and Barry Allen, he fixes the barrier. Sending the Black Flash that was chasing them to be sealed within the Forever Force. A feat that is never easy.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/flash-things-everyone-should-know-about-hunter-zolomon-zoom/

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